Unrar Extract and Recover


Software information


Freeware (Free)


19 Apr 2012


Nikos Vaggalis



Software Screenshots

Size: 1.8 MB

Downloads: 11063

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Jerome Johnston (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 19 Apr 2012

Most computer users download programs from the web which are archived using the RAR format. Most of the times, a software is split into multiple RAR volumes, for making it easier to distribute. But the problem with multiple archive files is that you have to unrar them all at the same time, for having the original application executable on your computer. At the same time, many RAR archives have different passwords, for being protected against unauthorized access. Despite the fact that there are a lot of archive utilities on the market, few of them can handle multi-archives properly. Unrar Extract and Recover is an application which can do this without problems.

This simple Windows program with an intuitive name can extract the contents of multiple archive files at the same time and can also crack archive password using the dictionary method. The installation wizard is a one-click operation and so is the interface of Unrar Extract and Recover. When run, the user just needs to select the folder that contains the archive files, select the output folder, make some adjustments and that's it. The program can be configured to extract the contents of the archives in the same folder or in any other folder on the hard disk.

Besides that, if an archive is protected with a password, Unrar Extract and Recover will ask the user for a wordlist file and will try to crack the password. After this operation succeeds, the application will continue with the extraction process. This can save a lot of time, as one doesn't need to crack the password for each archive manually.

Unrar Extract and Recover features a test mode, in which it doesn't actually extract archive contents, it just simulates this process. All the program's operations and tasks are displayed in a MS-DOS style window, allowing the user to clearly see the state of the extraction process and what archives require a password.

It allows extracting the contents of multiple archives at the same time. Besides that, it can automatically crack the password for protected archives, using a wordlist file. Furthermore, it features a test mode, which allows the user to get familiar with the program.

The interface is dull and doesn't support skins or themes.

Multiple archives can be easily and quickly extracted at the same time using the Unrar Extract and Recover application.

Unrar Extract and Recover


Unrar Extract and Recover Awards

Unrar Extract and Recover Editor’s Review Rating

Unrar Extract and Recover has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 19 Apr 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Unrar Extract and Recover 4 out of 5 stars, naming it Excellent


out of 5